A renowned samurai, Takechi Hanpeita, is catapulted 150 years into the future into modern day Japan. With the help of newly met friends, he figures out how to navigate a hyper-advanced technological home country which has nonetheless maintained some of its core cultural values. This is a light hearted family friendly film, mixed with funny and heartfelt moments, character development, and a revealing glimpse into Japanese history and customs. Hanpeita is a very charismatic protagonist, wearing his heart on his sleeve. There's a healthy dash of patriotism sprinkled in and a dynamic, jazzy soundtrack.
The Master Samurai
Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / History
Plot summary
Hanpeita Takeichi, a samurai, finds that he has travelled through time to modern-day Japan. He's taken in by an old man who runs a cram school, and begins to work as a teacher there.
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May 14, 2022 at 03:46 PM
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720p.WEB 1080p.WEBMovie Reviews
Solid samurai comedy
Samurai Plot hole
This is a nice, family friendly film. No bells, no bling, no CGI, a ton of plot holes. A quaint film about the "founding fathers" of the modern Japan.Sakamoto Ryoma and Takechi Hanpeita. Two characters romanticized in this film. A little(shallow) history lesson and a very little story about honor. Still, good enough though. Protagonists are quite likable in this film, yet very unlikely that it would be such an easy transition for a hitokori, which Takechi Hanpeita was in reality.